Friday, April 19, 2013

The Unrealistic Proportions of Barbie


     The image above is one of the images I plan on using in my multimodal project over Barbies influence on our distorted definition of beauty.
     The image above is a photograph of a woman holding a Barbie in front of her chest. Half of her body has been left normal while the other half has been photoshopped to fit Barbies proportions.

     I think the fact that Barbie is in the center of her chest not only serves the obvious job of covering her chest but also of putting the image of Barbies beauty into the center of womens being. Women revolve their idea of beauty and of what they think they should look like around unrealistic portrayals of beauty such as Barbie.

     I also think it is important to note that most of the woman's head is not shown in the picture. This serves to  allow all women to relate to the picture. It is not simply a picture of one woman but symbolically of all women.
     The skin colored background is not distracting in any way so that all the viewer notices about the picture is the woman.

     The purpose of this picture is to demonstrate visually how unrealistic Barbies proportions are. It also serves to encourage girls and women of the fact that they are beautiful just the way they are and do not need to try and live up to unattainable expectations of beauty.



  1. Your picture does a good job at creating a strong visual rhetoric. I believe that body image is such a huge problem in the lives of some women and even young girls today. Some women and girls don't understand just how unrealistic the proportions of Barbie are, but this picture is very effective in demonstrating that.

  2. This visual is very interesting and really supports your point(s) about Barbie and body image. I also found it fascinating that the dotted lines that were shown on one side of the image are similar to the marks that plastic surgeons make when discussing modifications. It links the image to plastic surgery, I suppose.

  3. This picture does a great job of resonating with your audience. Your point about Barbie's body being unrealistic and this picture complement each other well. Good job
